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Clean Water for Leper Colony

Dedication Ceremony

Leprosy…. It is a “Death Sentence” in the lives of many people in India. This dreadful and debilitating disease carries with it an enormous social and religious stigma.

India may be one of the fastest growing economies in the world, but 130,000 Indians are diagnosed with leprosy every year – more than every other country put together. It's partly because the country's population is so huge it has become an epidemic disease.  The activist say, the Indian government and Non Governmental Organizations have largely neglected the fight against the disease as result hundreds of thousands of Indians suffer from leprosy and its debilitating after-effects.

Hope Outfitters raised money to dig a well and water distribution system for a Leper Colony in India.  During this campaign over $2000 was raised.  The Leper's in India are outcasts, through this project they experienced the real and tangible love of Christ.

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