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Giving Tuesday

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;  but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6-19-21

In this past week there have been masses of items bought which one day will end up at the dump rotting away with the rest of the trash. Think about Christmases past and the things you swore you wanted most of all. If you received those things, where are they now? At best, you may have received something like a great kitchen appliance you still use today! But one day even that trusty old Kitchen Aid will mix up its last batch of cookies. I desperately search for the items on my kids Christmas lists that I think will make them light up each year knowing that by their birthday most of those things will be replaced by the next best thing they feel they must have: it’s the endless treasure hunt! But beyond these catalogs and lightning deals there are treasures that cannot be bought on Black Friday. Even in the true spirit of giving we cannot replicate the contentment that comes when finding the treasures of our gracious God. In all of the hustle and bustle of the shopping for “treasures” this year I hope to take the time to focus my heart on the treasure found in eternal things so it doesn’t get out of hand. If you are a parent, I’m sure you can empathize with me on that!

The kickoff to the season doesn’t have to come with a Black Friday mentality. There’s another day coming where we can collectively focus our efforts on giving! Giving Tuesday was started as a response to the commercialism and consumerism that sweeps the nation on Black Friday. We all know giving doesn’t have to be scheduled, but this is a great way to start and if you go look at the numbers since it’s conception in 2012, the numbers are growing! Hope Outfitters would like to ask you to partner with us this Giving Tuesday by going to our website and clicking the DONATE link! You can become a monthly partner or give a one time gift! Right now our campaign is giving hope and support to mothers and their babies through Embrace Grace and providing assistance and love for those leaving the abortion industry through And Then There Were None! When we focus on pouring into the lives of others we have not only found treasure, we’re sharing it through the work of Jesus Christ! Thank you for your willingness to stand up for life with us, every penny counts!

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