A Desperate Plea To Help Find His Son!

​Easter celebrates the day Jesus overcame death and set us free and now we are fighting to set kids free who are being trafficked around the world. 

One such little boy is still missing and his name is Gardy!  We need your help to find him.  His Father is desperately searching and praying for his boy to come home!  With your purchase you can help find Gardy and other kids like him. 

Make your Easter purchase matter and tell your kids a story about a Savior and a shirt that are working to set people free.  Buy 1 Give 100!

More on Gardy's story:

We've written about Gardy in a past blog, but his story is one we won't forget because we believe that this little boy will one day be found and set free! 

Gardy was three years old when he was abducted outside his church, and is now around the age of fourteen and the search is still on to find him and there is hope! Through his search, OUR teams have been able to rescue many other kids on the way. On Gardy's first rescue they were unable to find him, but they had found and rescued twenty-eight other children. Guesno, Gardy's father, decided to adopt eight of the children rescued. 

Something that I find super moving is the father's attitude through all of this. He's devastated not knowing where his son is, but he chooses to be joyful because he see's the good that has come out of it with all of the other children being saved. He tells the OUR founder, " If I have to lose my son, so that these 28 kids could be rescued then that is a burden I am willing to bear the rest of my life". What a perfect example of God's love for us. He was willing to give up his only Son, whom he loved, to be able to adopt us into his family.

With all of that said. We still press on in hope to find Gardy. OUR is getting closer and closer day by day. We will not lose hope to see his sweet face again. So today PRAY. Pray for the OUR forces. Pray for Gardy and his family. Pray for deliverance. We will always be the Hopeful!

1 Response

Colleen Serra

Colleen Serra

October 13, 2023

Hi I’ve been praying for Gardy for years and I’ve tried to find out more about him by calling one of the stores. I’m so glad I found this site in which I hope to hear the good news of his freedom soon! Love in Christ, Colleen

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