Save The Babies

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12

Save the babies! This desperate plea seems to fall on a sea of deaf ears that has removed all value from a term used to describe the most innocent stage of human development. The statistics put out on the vast number of lives ended through abortion is heartbreaking, especially if you’ve done your homework on what kinds of procedures are used as a means to stop a human heart from beating in the womb. On most days I feel powerless against the movement to end innocent lives in the name of “choice” and “rights”. I see faces and hear names of people literally fighting for the right to take the life of another human being and my initial reaction is to label them the enemy and pray prayers for their perceived reign to come to an end. But what do the answers to those prayers look like to a heart caught up in rage? Is it victory dancing on their shame? Or is it grace and love poured out on hearts now open to truth and struggling to find their place in a world they fear they will not be welcome? That’s why we look to Gods word before we should ever look to our own hearts. If we look at Ephesians again we see who the real enemy is. All of the sudden “flesh and blood” are drained of all their power shadowed by words like “ principalities” and “rulers of darkness”. Those faces and those names are human beings, kings of their own hearts, and enslaved to sin.

When we look at others as the enemy, what does that really say? Well, I know for myself that usually means that I have become painfully unaware of the capacity to sin that resides in my own heart. When I’m labeling the hearts of others as wicked, there is something inside of me that basks in my self proclaimed righteousness.  My freedom from sin comes from the righteousness of Jesus. How dare I take any condolence in the fact that I am not sinning the same way someone else is, believer or not. As a believer, I know that my boast is in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who, in His grace and kindness, calls me His own and allows me to walk in His good works. It is because of His goodness that my eyes are opened to the sanctity of life in the womb. There is a spiritual battle going on for our hearts and our decisions as human beings are so easily led by deception. So as our knees hit the floor in intercession for the unborn, let us not forget those being blinded by the enemy and let our hearts not be blinded by pride. Matthew 5:44 says “ but I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”. That’s a command. Let’s walk in obedience.

What an honor, then, is it to pray for those men and women and be able to see victories for truth through ministries like And Then There Were None. Prayer can powerfully change lives and if you haven’t heard the story of the founder, Abby Johnson, go check it out! At Hope Outfitters part of fighting for the unborn means we’re putting on the whole armor of God as we speak the truth boldly and strive to cover the unborn AND those deceived, in prayer. So pray for the performing physicians. Pray for the nurses. Pray for the ultrasound techs and the receptionists.  Pray for the activist. Pray for the fathers. Pray for the mothers. Pray for the protection of the those precious lives in the womb. SAVE THE BABIES!

1 Response



December 06, 2022

I’m with you, don’t worry not all ears are deaf. I hear the plea to Save the Babies and want to help the unborn alongside you!

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