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What About The Unloved?

We are well into January now and that means Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and "Love" is everywhere. Heart-shaped chocolate, cards with kind words, and candies with love notes written all over them line the aisles of grocery stores. Naturally, we all feel a sense of love swell up in our own hearts during this season. Typically that can play out in the context of our romantic relationships, the way we treat our loved ones, or even our relationships with close friends.. But what about the unloved? What about those who don't have a caring family to come home to each day? Every 57 minutes, a child is sold into sex trafficking. Does this sound like love to you?


Innocent children make up over a quarter of those being trafficked across the globe. That means at least 1.2 million children are trafficked each year. 1.2 million children threatened, coerced, violated, sold, abused, or even left for dead- every year right in front of our eyes. Some of these children are forced into slave labor, some are coerced into the sex work industry, and some even tricked into underaged marriages. As the data currently stands, over 51% of trafficking cases involve children that are trafficked specifically for sex. Out of all trafficking cases, less than half a percent are even reported, making it nearly impossible to track these illegal activities to the fullest extent. If these statistics are hard for you to stomach, you are not alone. Operation Underground Railroad has put their boots on the ground causing astonishing breakthroughs and countless rescues in the world of child trafficking, all in the name of saving these helpless souls. We are partnered with O.U.R. because of the significant impact they have made in the fight to end trafficking and exploitation. O.U.R. has rescued thousands across 30 countries and all 50 U.S. states. That is why when you purchase any Hope Outfitters gear, we give 100% of the profit to bringing this disgusting industry to an end.


These children have no one to fight for them. We need to be the hands and feet of God and help combat human trafficking like a life depends on it- because someone's does. Jesus loves the unloved, will you?

1 Response

Karen Eck

Karen Eck

February 22, 2022

Love, Love, Love, what you are doing, Hope Outfitters! Keep on keeping on!!! May God continue to bless your efforts to give freedom to the oppressed and abused! At Christmas time I bought matching onesies and t-shirts for my six youngest granddaughters—the Joy Joy Joy Down in My Heart ones! My daughters love putting them on their little girls! The next time they are together, I will send a picture! Persevere dear friends!
In His love,

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